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Genre:Shooter Games
Platforms:Linux, Mac, Windows
Blockchain:Lightning Network
Developer:Satoshis Games
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What is Lightnite?

Lightnite is a multiplayer third person shooter with in-game rewards and a minimalistic low-poly & cartoonish design offering several game modes like team deathmatch or a battle-royale game mode for solo and squads teamplay.

There is a competitive mode where players instantly earn or lose their assets in the arena. All in-game items and gear are tokenized in a blockchain using the Bitcoin sidechain Liquid. There is also a casual mode where players just play for fun and prestige and there is no items loot.

This means items have a strong real value that players are able to increase as they win battles while decreasing scarcity, and then trade their profits in a public marketplace.

Light Nite also allows players:

    – Leverage their years of playtime into a Bitcoin wallet
    – Secure uniqueness of in-game items through a scarcity system enabled by its tokenization system: no unlimited editions of skins, all of them accounted for
    – Use a decentralized Marketplace, allowing players to trade items from any of the game directly with other players


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