Play to Earn Crypto » Crypto Games » RPGs » CypherShooters
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Platforms:Web Browser
Developer:CypherShooters Team
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What is CypherShooters?

CypherShooters is a blockchain play-and-earn game that gives you the opportunity to battle enemies with a mix of Operators and Gun NFTs. In the world of CypherShooters, you must put together a team of operators and arm them with the best guns available to take down the enemies.

The world of CypherShooters takes place in Cypher City, where you are leading the revolution against the AI corporate overloads by recruiting Operators and Crafting weapons to go to battle with the enemy droids. Winning battles grants you TAG tokens which you can use to recruit more operators, craft better weapons, or cash out other cryptos or fiat currencies.

Gameplay centers around training your operator by sending them out on missions to defeat AI robots, scavenging the AI robots for resources and crafting stronger weapons. You can choose to sell those weapons and resources on the marketplace, or keep them to enhance your progression through Cypher City. CypherShooters plans to incorporate a play-and-earn metagame economy that rewards cooperation, versatility, resourcefulness and competence.


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