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Genre:Sports Games
Platforms:Android, Windows
Token:$MBS, $SCORE
Developer:MonkeyBall Team
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What is MonkeyBall?

MonkeyBall is a quick, turn-based, Play-to-Earn, arcade, soccer game offering a high-production-value gaming experience. Matches are played between two teams, each with 4 Monkeys playing the positions of Scorer, Defender, Midfielder and Goalkeeper. With 6 rounds of play per half, the first team to 3 goals wins.

Back at HQ, boost your Monkeys’ abilities and in-game performance by caring for and training them, as well as increasing their morale. Stadium owners are rewarded for matches they host, while other players can be spectators and influence the gameplay by cheering for a winning team to increase their gameplay.

When a match ends, the in-game currency token, MonkeyBucks ($MBS), is split between the winning team, the Stadium owner, and the spectators who rooted for the winning team.

MonkeyBall Cryptocurrency Price Chart