Forgotten Chain is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) set in a player-driven mysterious fantasy universe, where the action takes place within three rival kingdoms (Xaetha, Taria, Drakary). The project offers players an immersive in-game environment with four playable character classes (Knight, Assassin, Warlock, Mage) and countless spells, abilities, and environments.
Get a champion, choose a kingdom to fight for, and set out into the mysterious world with your weapon, your mount, and your pet to prove your worth in the action-packed combat system by defeating monsters, bosses, and other players, or explore the world as a peaceful forager of goods and rares, establishing a reputation as a skilled refiner, miner, fisher, and craftsman.
In-game NFTs are obtained via rare monster drops and in-game events. They’re useful and functioning NFTs that can be put into the Game Framework and turned into unique in-game objects. These NFTs can be purchased or sold in-game (auction houses, player marketplaces) as well as via third-party NFT exchanges outside of the game world.